The Official Colorado State Affiliate of ASCD

Proposed Revisions to Constitution & By-Laws
AUGUST 16, 2023
CO ASCD members: Please review the proposed changes and additions to the CO ASCD Constitution and By-Laws below, and cast your vote no later than August 31, 2023 to accept or reject these changes.
Vote here-we will validate your vote based on the name you provide on your ballot.
If you have questions, or you didn't receive the email, please email the Executive Director. Thank you!
Recommended Revisions to the CO ASCD Constitution
Please review the recommended changes highlighted below.
Article 1:
Name & Affiliation
Add the underlined: The name of the organization shall be CO ASCD. This Association shall be affiliated with ASCD International (ASCD) and operate within the dictates of the signed ASCD Affiliation agreement.
Article II: Purpose, Section 1
Update: The mission of COASCD is to unite and influence the educational community to promote excellence in teaching and learning.
Article II: Purpose, Section 2
Update: The vision of COASCD is supporting growth, voice and success for each Colorado learner.
Article II: Purpose, Section 3
Add the underlined: This is a statement of both purpose and standards, and neither restricts nor limits the general powers of this Association. All activities shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations relating to organizations described in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Code, as now or hereafter amended, and by the office of the Secretary of State of Colorado.
Article V: Membership Dues
Add the underlined: The annual dues for all members of CO ASCD shall be established by the Board of Directors no later than May 1, annually.
Article VI: Officers
Section 1
Add the underlined: The officers of CO ASCD shall be President, Past-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The officers are members in good standing of the parent organization.
Article VI: Officers
Section 2
Update: The President shall be appointed by a majority vote of the board of directors and serve for a term of two (2) years, The Past-President should serve a term of one (1) year. Terms of office begin on July 1 and end June 30.
Article VII: Executive Director Section 1
The Executive Director shall be appointed by the President upon recommendations of the Board of Directors and serves at the pleasure of the board as an ex-officio non-voting member. The executive director is a member in good standing of the parent organization.
Article VIII: Board of Directors Section 2
Udpate: The Board of Directors shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the existing Board of Directors.
Article XI: Constitutional Revision
Section 2
Udpate: For proposed changes to the Constitution, all dues-paying members of the organization must have access to, and opportunity to give feedback on the proposed changes for a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to a vote by the board of directors. All feedback will be read and recorded in the minutes prior to the vote of the board, and members are invited to attend the board meeting to make public comments.
Article XI: Constitutional Revision
Section 3
Udpate: A 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors is required to make changes to the Constitution.
Recommended Revisions to the CO ASCD By-Laws
Please review the recommended changes below.
Article V Meetings, Section 1
CO ASCD shall hold at least one general membership meeting annually at a place approved by the Board of Directors. Members of the Colorado ASCD shall receive at least 30 days notification of such meeting.
Article V: Meetings, Section 2
Add the underlined: The President shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors at the time of the annual meeting of the general membership.
Article VI: Quorum
Add the underlined: The seating of ASCD members in attendance at the annual general membership meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A simple majority of members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of the board. Meetings may be called by any officer of the Association as the welfare of the CO ASCD may indicate.
Article VII: Board Appointments, Section 1
Add the underlined: Officers for CO ASCD shall be appointed by a simple majority of the board of directors as follows:
A. a nominating committee appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors shall request input from the general membership for nominations and create the slate of nominees for board consideration;
B. the board of directors will select new board members from the slate of nominees provided not later than April 30 of any given year;
C. the persons receiving the largest number of board votes for each respective office shall be declared elected immediately and shall take office July 1 following the election, and will end June 30 of the year their term ends;
D. the President-Elect shall be installed as President at the first meeting of the Board of Directors in the new fiscal year;
E. In the event of a board vacancy during any given year, the board may appoint a member to serve out the remainder of the term until the end of the term; and
F. a tie vote for any office shall be resolved by the President of the Board of Directors declaring the winner.
Article IX: Executive Director, Subsection e
Add the underlined: The Board of Directors shall conduct an annual evaluation of the executive director's performance. The purpose of the evaluation is to provide affirming and corrective feedback for the purpose of decisions about contract continuation or dismissal. The board of directors retains the authority to provide appropriate compensation to the executive director, based on the results of the annual evaluation and the financial status of the organization.
Article X: Duties of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee
Section 1. The Board of Directors, Subsection m
Add the underlined: The Board of Directors shall appoint a financial audit committee that will return an audit report at least one month prior to the next fiscal year’s budget proposal.
Article XV: Code of Ethics
Add the underlined:
• Duty of Care: taking reasonable precaution when making decisions for your organization.
• Duty of Loyalty: acting in the best interests of your organization.
• Duty of Obedience: performing in accordance with your organization’s governing documents.
• Duty of Recusal: standing aside when there is a conflict of interest as an officer of the board.